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Chuck E. Cheese

The Chuck E. Cheese Chronicles: Grandmother Assaulted In Michigan

Oh Chuck E. Cheese violent shenanigans — how we’ve missed you!
Just kidding. What is it about this place that just makes people want to fight??
A woman is in the hospital after she was assaulted at a Chuck E. Cheese‘s restaurant in Dearborn!
So what happened? The grandmother asked a nearby table not to use bad language in front of kids:

“She said, ‘please don’t use that language with children.’ They told her to ‘shut the f— up and turn around.'”

That’s when a man leapt at the table and started swinging:

“He punched her in the face and dragged her by her hair.”

Like we said, she ended up in the hospital. The restaurant refunded their money. There was no mention of justice against the attackers.
What a stupidly violent and ridiculous world we live in — those restaurants are supposed to be happy places!

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Jan 17, 2012 01:00am PDT