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Aubrey O'Day

EVERYONE Is Pissed At Aubrey O'Day!


As well they should be!

Though, we’d cut her a little slack- she is bereft of any normal mental function.

Regardless, members of the Jewish community think it their duty to express their strong distaste for Aubrey O’Day and her ridiculously stoopid comments (calling Hitler and Fidel Castro “brilliant” men).

Rabbi Chaim Cunin of Chabad House released the following statement:

“When a woman like her uses public airwaves, with access to millions of wonderful citizens of America, and calls some of the most despicable, unspeakable hate mongers of history brilliant, then something is lacking with her intelligence.

This is a constant reminder of how careful we need to be when we talk about hate, because hatred is always present. We need to make sure we are careful and that hatred doesn’t rear it’s ugly head.

‘I’d like for her to think about some older Holocaust survivor having that comment beamed into their home while they are enjoying the freedom that this beautiful country provides and having to listen to her disgusting comments.”

Remarkably said, Rabbi.

Too bad she will probably never comprehend this.

Most of your words have more than two syllables!

[Image via WENN.]

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Sep 02, 2009 10:15am PDT

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