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Tina Fey & Amy Poehler Show Off In Cutouts & Talk Being Sexy For Glamour's New Issue!

Tina and Amy go glam for Glamour's January issue!
Tina Fey
and Amy Poehler are killin’ it!
Not only are the BFFs starring in the new film Sisters together, but they’re also front and center on the January cover of Glamour!
And looking fierce in their cutout outfits, the comediennes definitely have our full attention.
Related: Tina & Amy WILL Cohost SNL Together!
As you can see, Tina was all about the smolder in her Roland Mouret jumpsuit, while her costar shined in a pearl-accented Mugler top and pants.
So fab!
Unsurprisingly though, the joint interview where the SNL alums asked each other the questions also had us hooked! Read on for just some of the HIGHlights…

On their greatest accomplishments:
Fey: [Draws question.] “OK, Glamour‘s Instagram follower @formerly_flores asks, ‘What is the life accomplishment you are most proud of and why?'”
Poehler: “Why don’t I tell you what I think is one of your accomplishments and you tell mine? I feel weird talking about my own. I think one of your greatest accomplishments was transitioning from the captain you were at SNL to creating a show [30 Rock]. That is so hard├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥extricating yourself from a place you were so comfortable and successful, then doing something else so well. That, and the fact that you invented the word flerm.”
Fey: “[Laughs.] It’s hard [to graduate from SNL]. You have so much autonomy at SNL. So for people who come out of there├óΓé¼┬ªit’s only natural that you would want to take the plunge [to create a show]├óΓé¼┬ªto try to keep making something that you have a say in.”
Poehler: “You can frame [a transition like that] two different ways. You can think, Oh my God, what’s next? with a fearful sense of what’s around the corner. Or, Oh my God, what’s next? Isn’t that exciting? I didn’t have any kind of map as to what my life was going to be. So the idea that here we are in our forties├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥I wouldn’t even be able to predict what’s ahead. So maybe [the key to new challenges is] a bit of improv training, denial, enthusiasm├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥and having a nice place to land, where you feel supported if it all goes to sh*t, which feels like it’s about a year away. [Laughs.]”
Fey: “I would say that one of your greatest accomplishments, Amy Poehler, is that you have so successfully used your art and comedy as a source of positivity in the world, by creating Smart Girls [an online community for girls, encouraging them to be their authentic selves], by making [Leslie in] Parks and Rec not only a positive feminist character but creating a good-hearted worldview within that program.”
On their favorite moments from hosting the Golden Globes:
Poehler: “Tina, you had that great George Clooney Gravity joke. [‘Gravity is nominated for best film. It’s the story of how George Clooney would rather float away into space and die than spend one more minute with a woman his own age.’]”
Fey: “That was written by a man named Alex Baze. Men write our jokes. Men can be whatever they want to be these days.”
Poehler: “Yeah, they really can. Men can be funny! But honestly, the best part was getting to hang out together, building the show together├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥”
Fey: “├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥sitting on Bono‘s lap.”
Poehler: “Making out with Bono, sitting on Clooney’s lap, doing both after the show was over, it was great, stuff like that.”
On playing a “woman-child”:
Poehler: “[Draws question.] Tina, in Sisters you got the opportunity to play that rare ‘woman-child’ [Fey’s character can’t hold down a job, is drawn to bad boys, and hasn’t quite grown out of her party-girl ways]. Do you wish that more women would be allowed to not have it all together on-screen?”
Fey: “Woman-child, I think, is in reference to the fact that there are many male comedians who play man-childs├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥man-childs is a word. I do think it’s fun to be able to play a character that’s in no way aspirational and in no way a role model, and the more female characters there are on-screen, there’s less pressure on every character to represent everyone. I love playing people who are flawed.”
On whether Tina was trying to defy stereotypes that “fortysomething” women can’t dress sexy with her character in Sisters:
Fey: “No, well, my character is someone who’s gonna dress like that into her eighties.”
Poehler: “Of course women in their forties can dress sexy. And, you know, the term sexy is very subjective.”
Fey: “Yeah, I do also think that by the time you are in your forties, what you want to wear and what you think is sexy is not always, like, for another person. It’s what makes you feel good…. Sexy is all relative. As an SNL writer I have seen people who are famously sexy, women famous for being beautiful, come in as hosts. The male writers would be so excited; then a couple days in, they are over it. If you know you have 0.000 shot at the person, your body kind of shuts down├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥and it’s more about who you actually relate to.”
On what advice Tina would give herself on her wedding day:
Fey: “If I could give myself advice on my wedding day, it would be, ‘Hunker down, September 11 is coming.’ Because I got married in June of 2001. [Pauses.] Any other advice? I don’t know, maybe for a second I would maybe say, like, ‘Start having babies earlier so that you could have maybe had one more,’ because I do like how they come out. But at the same time, that would have probably made it hard for me to do some things that I wanted to do in that time.”
On what’s their secret to maintaining their decades-long friendship:
Fey: “We don’t see each other very often.”
Poehler: “That’s right. [Laughs.] It’s like a good marriage. My mom always says it’s very important to have people in your life who knew you when. The older you get, the more you treasure that idea of someone knowing your family and where you came from, and being around during these times and these times. Tina and I, we don’t have any sisters. So we’ve rented them.”
Fey: “[Laughs.] We found sisters.”

So cute! They’re giving us serious BFF goals, that’s for sure!
Now go and enjoy their sultry spread in the gallery (above)!
[Image via Steven Pan/Glamour Magazine.]

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Dec 01, 2015 12:43pm PDT