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Twilight Called Out As Racist By Parody Producers! See Their Legal Claim HERE!

twilight racist
The makers of Twilight do NOT like being made fun of- but if you believe a new legal claim, they also don’t think very highly of women or Native Americans!
When some parody producers tried to release a spoof of the Twilight series, Lionsgate slapped them with a cease-and-desist order. Well, the makers of Twiharder are through joking around.
They fired back with a legal claim that they are well within their rights to parody the franchise- because it’s racist!
In addition to the “questionable” treatment of domestic abuse, teen pregnancy, and drug use, producers also allege the film treats American Indians- the werewolves of the movies – as feral savages!
They also contend that the relationship between a 100-year-old vampire and a high schooler is STATUTORY RAPE!
Well, it’s all fun and games until someone loses a court case. Now the producers will have to make their arguments in front of a judge who will actually have to LEGALLY rule whether Twilight is socially irresponsible!
Maybe they just should have let them have their fun…

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Dec 17, 2013 18:16pm PDT

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