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Vicious Anti-Asian Tirade From Racist Karen Caught On Video -- Watch The Crazy Footage HERE

Racist woman goes after Asian-American woman exercising in Torrance park

This is despicable!

An Asian-American woman who was exercising in a park Wednesday morning in Torrance, California became the subject of an unprovoked racist tirade from an older white woman. Now, viral video of the incident has been shared worldwide — and people are understandably outraged!

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It all started at Wilson Park, in a quiet neighborhood of the south LA suburb. The victim managed to capture the incident on camera, revealing the aggressive (and racist!) older white woman’s face as she spoke menacingly to the young woman just trying to exercise.

According to ABC 7, the exercising woman was bumped by the park Karen, prompting the victim to mutter “Jesus” at the surprise of being pushed. After that, the tirade came raining down for several minutes, with the older woman at one point saying (below):

“Listen to me. We don’t play games here anymore. Next time you talk to me like that you’re going to get your a** kicked by my family. They’re gonna f**k you up. This is not just for you. Get the (expletive) out of this state. Go back to whatever Asian country you belong in.”

Um… WOW.

The older lady continued to complain, whining about how the woman was using the stairs to exercise before adding in more expletives and another dig at her ethnicity (below):

“You b**ch. This is not your place, this is not your home. We do not want you here. Put that on Facebook. I hope you do. Because every f**king person will beat the crap out of you from here on out. Don’t you ever say oh Jesus to me when I want to use the stairs you little b**ch. Who wears black in California sun? Who the f**k wears black. Are you an idiot, you wear black in California sun? Seriously?”

What the actual f**k?!?!?! What an unbelievably racist and aggressive way to act, just out in the open for all to see! THIS IS TRUMP’S AMERICA.

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Here’s the full video for the whole world to watch (below), but be warned, there’s quite a bit of profanity from that older woman:

Truly insane!!! And COMPLETELY unacceptable!

What is with people nowadays?!

Torrance city Mayor Patrick Furey said the city is “aware of the incident,” and that police are investigating. He continued in a statement to the media (below):

“Public safety is a high priority in the City of Torrance. And all visitors to our open spaces should always feel safe and free to exercise while practicing social distancing without conflict. Conduct like that displayed on the video cannot be tolerated. We strive to deliver essential services to our community with integrity, honesty and respect for all users.”

No kidding…

What do U think about this, Perezcious readers?! Wild and totally unacceptable, isn’t it?? Feels like Trump’s America… racists have long been emboldened to tell people of color how they really feel… ugh!!!

[Image via WENN]

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Jun 11, 2020 12:44pm PDT