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Vogue Thinks Your Weirdo Art Teacher's Style Is Worth Recreating -- Really?!

Vogue encourages art teacher fashion!
After British Vogue declared cleavage was over, maybe we shouldn’t be surprised that American Vogue has its own strange ideas up its sleeve!
The magazine is encouraging people to dress like high school and college art teachers and calling it ~fashion~!
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Color us style-deficient, but we don’t get it!
Here’s a sample from their write-up:

“She was eccentric, had a penchant for bold jewelry and clogs, and let you play with Prismacolor pencils: She was your art teacher and she’s back!”

Clogs?! Make it stop.
The mag continues:

“With sculptural earrings dangling from their lobes, their selfies recall Vermeer; the oversize (and, presumably, overflowing) totes they favor likely contain a journal, a change of clothes, and an Ana├â┬»s Nin book or two. Yes, a conceptual fashion renaissance has begun and demands the exacting eye of your former AP art teacher to pull off.”

Our art teachers wore jeans covered in paint stains, hole-y sweaters, and beat-up sneakers. The only other art teacher that comes to mind had a ‘fro and always wore the same light blue button-up. Yes, we’re talking about the iconic Bob Ross.
We don’t know what type of art teachers Vogue writers had, but maybe they just went to much, much fancier high schools.
Would YOU dress like your professor, Perezcious readers???
[Image via Vogue.]

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Jan 20, 2017 03:59am PDT