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Whoopi Goldberg Takes Stacey Dash To School! Watch The View Host Explain EXACTLY Why Getting Rid Of BET & Black History Month Is Wrong!

She’s finally saying something we agree with!
Like most of the cast of The View this season, Whoopi Goldberg has spent the last few months saying some pretty controversial things — which may or may not have helped the ratings for the ABC daytime talk show.
To this day she’s still sticking up for Bill Cosby for some reason, but luckily we are a united front when it comes to our opinions on Stacey Dash.
Related: Will Smith Joins Jada Pinkett’s Oscars Boycott!
As you’ve probably heard, after the Oscars failed to nominate a single person of color in any of the acting categories this year, Jada Pinkett Smith proudly suggested that her fellow POCs boycott the awards show.
Always the contrarian, Stacey saw this as an opportunity to suck up to her FOX & Friends audience by flipping the situation and suggesting that having events like the BET Awards and Black History Month are just as racist as #OscarsSoWhite.
Thankfully, Whoopi was there to point out that minority communities are important because they’re some of the only ways for people to actually learn about their own cultures.
Also, love her for trying, but Paula Faris just looks so awkward trying to prove she knows anything about black history. LOLz!
Ch-ch-check it out (above)!!!

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Jan 21, 2016 16:14pm PDT