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10 Reasons Wicked Continues To Defy Gravity! Happy 10th Anniversary, Witches!

How time does fly!
It hit us this morning like a house from Kansas — today is the 10th anniversary of Wicked‘s opening night on Broadway! For the past decade, the beautiful story of how the Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda the Good became friends, enemies and soul sisters has delighted audiences not only in New York, but around the world!
It all began with the immense talent of Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenowith, but so many other outstanding Broadway talents have donned green makeup and teased their blonde curls to be the two witches from Oz and with such immense talent gracing the productions, along with it’s beautiful story and memorable songs, we doubt Wicked will be going anywhere for years to come!
To honor one of our favorite shows, and to share in this moment with all the fellow Wicked fans, check out our list of reasons Wicked remains at the top of Broadway!
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First of all, the story is damn near perfect. Everything about it, especially the stuff about Oz before Dorothy dropped in! It’s light, it’s fun — hot damn, it’s downright joyful!
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Elphaba is the kind of character that every one can relate to, no matter who you are. Being different is universal, but by the time she is done with her first song, even if you are the most popular person in school, you’re gonna want to run out and paint your face green!
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Speaking of Popular, best song of the show? Okay, that’s probably debatable given our next reason, but you know that that tune has a way of getting into your head and staying there for days. Plus, remember when Cheno revived it and remixed it for Anthony Weiner? Brilliant!
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Defying Gravity… probably the most beloved song sung on Broadway in the last decade. If you were there opening night, we bet the memory of Idina belting that one out still is burned into your memory. But of course, even if you weren’t… that’s what the internet is for!

Still with us? Wipe those tears and let’s keep moving…
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The costumes are like… unreal. No, no simple black cape for the Wicked Witch and no, not just a poofy, pinky tafta number for Glinda. These girls had STYLE, they showed skin. Girl, they were the envy of the whole damn Emerald City!
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No one is just cast without careful, careful consideration. And some major names have graced the stage at the Gershwin Theater to bring Oz to life, including our favorite Golden Girl, Rue McClanahan.

And how about those one liners? Don’t even tell us you didn’t downright guffaw with the zinger, “We can’t all come and go by bubble!” Maybe you need to watch it again! (above, mark 4:30)
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And let us not forget the fact that it’s someone’s job to turn a girl completely green 8 times a week. That is no small accomplishment!
But of course, the best reason of all to love Wicked is the feels that you get when watching your favorite show. You’re crying by the end of the first act, you’re BAWLING by the end of the second and for weeks after seeing the show, you’re trapped in an emerald tinted glass case of emotion.
broadway musical wicked cast
But you are, in way alone, friends! The company you keep is unparalleled! Wicked fans are the best!
So here’s to another 10 years for Wicked! Hell, let’s just keep it on Broadway… FOR GOOD!

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Oct 30, 2013 09:01am PDT