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Icky! The WORST Kissers In Hollywood!

the worst hollywood kissers
Kissing is a LARGE part of movies! Seriously, is there a single movie where no one locks lips with anyone??
Probably not, but we’re sure SOME of these stars wished their films were sans kissing because they were partnered with a terrible kisser!
Doubt us?
Well, Zooey Deschanel wasn’t exactly enthusiastic when talking about her kiss with Rashida Jones in Our Idiot Brother!
Or can you guess which co-star Jennifer Lawrence told to his FACE that he wasn’t a good kisser??
Curious to see who else is lacks some serious lip locking skills??
CLICK HERE to see which stars are “The WORST Kissers In Hollywood!!!”
CLICK HERE to see which stars are “The WORST Kissers In Hollywood!!!”
CLICK HERE to see which stars are “The WORST Kissers In Hollywood!!!”
CLICK HERE to see which stars are “The WORST Kissers In Hollywood!!!”
CLICK HERE to see which stars are “The WORST Kissers In Hollywood!!!”

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Aug 13, 2014 12:45pm PDT