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X Factor AU: Angel Tupai Illuminates Stage During Live Performance! WATCH HERE!

Hoh mah goodness, what sublime talent is this?!
We’ve just been made aware of Australian X Factor contestant Angel Tupai, and are wondering… how is it even a competition with this powerhouse voice in the running?!
Ch-ch-check out Angel’s emotionally driven, passionate rendition of Emeli Sand├â┬⌐‘s sweet tune Next To Me (above)!
The one, teensy qualm we have with this performance is that we’re not entirely sure Angel is even playing the piano, so WHY pretend like she’s hitting the keys?? Perhaps we are wrong, but look at Angel’s hands and judge for yourself…
But other than that, total adoration for this, Angel! Emeli would be so proud, we just know it!

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Oct 03, 2012 06:30am PDT