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Girl Rewarded For Stinkiest Sneakers! Find Out How MUCH She Won HERE!!!

Girl Rewarded For Stinkiest Sneakers! Find Out How MUCH She Won HERE!!!

girl rewarded for stinkiest sneakers find out how much she won here
Sneakers? Sneakers? We don’t need no stinkin’ sneakers.
But this girl does!
Jordan Armstrong, a 7th grader hailing from Las Cruses, New Mexico, has won Odor-Eaters National Rotten Sneaker Contest grand prize for having the stinkiest sneakers out of all of the participants!
The little lady was awarded $2,500 on March 25th in NYC, and also received tickets for The Lion King on Broadway!
Here’s what she said when she won the award:

“I’ve worn them everywhere for two years. They’re on my feet when I’m in school and I keep them on when I play sports. Sometimes I’ve even worn them to bed.”

Sounds like she DEFINITELY earned this award! We’re not sure we would’ve done that even if we did know there was $2,500 in it for us if we did.
Hopefully this money will allow her to buy a new pair of sneakers, and toss those stinkers away! Although we’re sure she’ll miss them! After all – they’re the reason is she twenty five hundred dollars richer!
Check out the video of her winning the prize (below) !!!

[Image via Odor Eaters.]

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Mar 31, 2014 15:02pm PDT