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The Academy Promises A "Hard Look" At Nomination Process (After Pissing People Off)

academy awards best original song nomination process
Well they better!!
Since they pissed almost everyone off when they only nominated two pieces for Best Original Song, the Academy has decided to take a “hard look” at their nomination process.
Apparently it’s all a point process and to get in the Song category, the piece needs an 8.5 at least. And we’re sitting here thinking… okay, if somehow you’re left with less than five, do a curve or something! Unless they really, really suck…
Otherwise they’re just pissing a lot of people off! Viewers included…
According to Bruce Broughton, Academy Music Branch Governor:

There were angry members that I spoke to, sure. And I can understand people getting ticked off, especially songwriters. Some people have said, ‘Oh, you blew it this year.’ I don’t know. Maybe we blew it. Maybe we didn├óΓé¼Γäót. As soon as the Oscars are over, we’re going to look at it.
The intent of the [point] rule, whether or not it worked out this way, is to raise the level of quality in the song nominations. We talked about it last year, and asked, do we want to keep that system, knowing that there could have been no nominations? And we voted to keep it this way.
I can promise you that we’re going to take a hard look at the point system. We’re going to try to see if we can get the rules to do what we hoped they would do: raise the quality of the nominated songs, so we can stand back proudly and look at our nominees.

We get the quality part, sure. Definitey don’t wanna be nominating anyone! But c’mon, Mary J. Blige, Elton John, and Madonna were all super snubbed!!
But U know what our favorite song of the year was!! Man or Muppet!!!
And that’s another thing they screwed up! They’re not letting the only two nominations perform!!

to sign our petition so The Muppets can get on that stage!!

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Feb 09, 2012 22:00pm PDT

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