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From Board Game To Movie To Video Game! Battleship Is Coming To Consoles!

battleship video game is coming
Just imagine if they DID make a new Battleship game for Sega Genesis! eBay traffic would go through the roof! Ha!
Yesterday, Activision and Hasbro announced a new video game based on the upcoming Battleship movie.
Here’s what Activision Publishing’s David Oxford had to say about it:

“We’re geared up for an outrageous sea and land conflict with the all new BATTLESHIP videogame. Inspired by the film’s exciting action and stunning backdrop, the game is next-gen naval warfare that thrusts players into the middle of humanity’s last stand against an unfamiliar menace.”

And here’s what Hasbro’s Senior Vice President and General Manager of Digital Media and Marketing Mark Blecher had to say about it:

“With a BATTLESHIP videogame, we have an amazing opportunity to take our beloved property and give it a modern-day spin. The merging of tactical and action elements immerses players in an epic maritime conflict. Activision is completely up to the task of delivering a high-intensity thrill ride that’s perfectly suited for today’s console owners.”

The game will be released on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 this May. Other versions of the game will be released on Wii, Nintendo 3DS, and Nintendo DS.
We just hope they’re able to get some of the actors from the movie to do voiceover! We’d LOVE to see RiRi in a video game!!!!
What do U think? Will U check out the Battleship video game when it gets released???

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Feb 09, 2012 08:00am PDT

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