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Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin Justifies His Defense Of Accused Predators Woody Allen & James Toback: 'It's A Normal Inclination'

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Bros before Dylan Farrow.
While half of Hollywood distanced themselves from Woody Allen after those messy molestation accusations caught a second wind under the #MeToo movement, Alec Baldwin has stuck by the filmmaker’s side.
The Donald Trump impersonator also, more controversially, rallied behind James Toback following the flood of harassment allegations that came out against him in recent months.
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So, why is the 30 Rock star seemingly the only person in showbizness still clinging to these alleged abusers? Because they’re his pals!
Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, the 59-year-old explained:

“My inclination to want to defend my friends ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ who either A) I thought were innocent, which is Woody or B) I had no knowledge of what they did and I still have no knowledge of what they did, which is Toback ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ is a normal inclination.”

We should emphasize the differentiation here. Baldwin has claimed that he was NOT privy to Toback’s predatory behavior — while, on multiple occasions, has made it clear he thinks Allen is innocent.
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In fact, the actor has straight up implied Dylan is lying about her claims that the director molested her as a child.
That said, Baldwin made it clear he’ll stick by his friends’ side until the day they are proven guilty IN A COURT OF LAW, adding:

“It’s a normal inclination to want to rally by your friends up until the point that they are convicted of something. If they’re convicted of a crime, well then you’re sad, and that’s tragic, but they’ve got to go through that process.”

Awww, what a good friend… and not-so-great advocate for change in Hollywood.
As for his thoughts on being caught in the line of fire of the #MeToo movement, he explained:

“What we saw for a while, in my opinion, was people who were perpetrators being exposed. There was a lot of rhetoric about people who were being outed. When the community at large runs out of perpetrators, they start to turn on the supporters of the perpetrators because they need more fuel for the fire. The next thing they throw on the fire are the friends of these people who aren’t stepping out and renouncing them. I have suffered from some of that.”

A true martyr, that Alec Baldwin!
[Image via Media Punch.]

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Mar 01, 2018 16:47pm PDT