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Alice Evans Reveals She Got FULL Custody Of Daughters -- Because Ioan Decided 'A Family Wasn't For Him'

Alice Evans Custody Battle Ioan Gruffudd

Well, it’s a bit of good news for Alice Evans — amid all the turmoil of the past several months.

As we’ve previously reported, the Vampire Diaries actress went public last year with the news her husband, Titanic actor Ioan Gruffudd, had abandoned her and their daughters. A few months later she learned, along with the rest of us, that he’d gone public with his new girlfriend, Bianca Wallace — an aspiring actress 20 years younger, whom he’d met on the set of the TV show he was filming across the world in Australia.

Since then she has often remained vocal about their contentious co-parenting. And back in November she revealed in an interview on Lorraine that her ex — and his new gal — were looking to get custody of the girls! She described on social media the untenable situation that had her terrified he’d get it, too!

But apparently that battle is over, and she won! If only, she says, because he chose to give up the fight.

Related: Ioan Is Making A Movie For His Girlfriend To Star In!

In a wide-ranging post on her Instagram feed on Wednesday, the 53-year-old began with the bad news, saying:

“I know I’m going through hell since my hub decided to run off with a millennial and then accuse me of abusing him and spend ALL our communal savings on greedy lawyers fees trying to gag me from telling my story. But. I’m now as low as I have ever been. Literally everybody I thought was helping has let me down.”

But in there she buried the lede — the one bit of great news, adding:

“I face a future with nowhere to live, no help, chronic pain, 2 beautiful girls that I have 100% custody if because he decided ‘a family wasn’t for him.’”

Hey, she got full custody! That’s great! She added:

“BUT GUESS WHAT? I’m smiling!! Because the mean people CANT get you down!”

But also because of the custody thing, right?

She actually went on to declare her intentions to keep fighting, stating:

“I have spoken to 5 people today all of whom have given me ideas for when dad’s desert their families AND give you a s**tty deal in court. I WILL NOT LOSE TO THAT LOSER. I will not be dumped with my babies JUST because dude got bored and didn’t want a family any more. I am with them because I love them. I’m going to fight. And I am going to write a book, and a screenplay, and there will be actual bits that I’ve done, that he’s done and that the trolls have said in it.”

That’s the spirit! Write that book, gurl! She thanked her followers in the since-deleted post, writing:

“Thank you my beautiful people for being with me all this time. YOU guys know I wouldn’t step on a ant!!

She added that she “will always love” her fans for the “support you have given me” in this tough time. She ended her post on a hopeful note, writing:

“Meanwhile.. here goes…. “

Along with fingers crossed and laughing emojis.

Fingers crossed along with ya, gurl!

[Image via Alice Evans/Instagram.]

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Jun 16, 2022 16:58pm PDT