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American Horror Story

American Horror Story Gets A Bewitching Set Visit From Stevie Nicks & Her Storyline Gets Revealed!

stevie nicks ahs set
Ahhhh is for EXCITEMENT!
We’re pretty sure Stevie Nicks cast an actual spell on us all when it was announced she’d be appearing on American Horror Story: Coven this season…
And now, we finally have a sneak peek at what she’s looking like on set!
OMFG! All black errrythang.
The original white witch is essentially already a character on the show without actually being in New Orleans—because Misty Day aka Lily Rabe has been fan girling her witchy ways HARD!
Luckily, Ryan Murphy is slowly making all of our dreams come true by sharing the above pic on Twitter and revealing new details about Stevie’s appearance on the show!
In a recent interview, the Glee creator dished exactly what the Fleetwood Mac singer would be doing with the ladies of the Coven:

“She appears as herself. It├óΓé¼Γäós part of Fiona├óΓé¼Γäós ruse in that Fiona is trying to get the true Supreme to reveal herself because she needs to stay alive. So she tells Misty Day that the Supreme gets so many great things in life, like tickets to the Oscars and Met Ball tickets. So she brings Stevie Nicks in as a gift to Misty to prove to her that if she exhibits more power she├óΓé¼Γäóll get that and more. Then the other girls come home and see Stevie and Misty singing and it starts them trying to move much quicker to prove that they are the Supreme.”

Are you all not dying of excitement?!?!
Ryan also confirmed there’s definitely going to be singing AND her episode will air right after the holiday break!
Just like a white winged dove, we wait until Episode 10 to see everything Stevie!
[Image via Twitter.]

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Nov 20, 2013 14:51pm PDT