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Six Children Electrocuted On Faulty Amusement Park Ride!

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Why does this keep happening?!
While Summer vacation is supposed to be a time for families with young children to enjoy themselves… we’re hearing reports of yet another accident taking place at an amusement park.
Apparently, six children at Ocean Beach Park in New London, Connecticut were electrocuted while on a spinning ride on Tuesday afternoon.
Related: 3-Year-Old Falls Off Roller Coaster While Sitting Next To Brother
According to reports, five kids noticed a strange tingling when a ride called The Scrambler was coming to a stop… but it was a sixth child who grabbed onto a metal railing while exiting the machine who received the worst injuries.
Luckily, the young boy only suffered minor electrical burns on his palm — but all six kids were taken to local hospitals where they are expected to fully recover. An investigation is currently underway to determine the cause of the malfunction.
Unfortunately, not every case of this kind can have a happy ending… as you probably know, this news comes less than two weeks after a 10-year-old boy was decapitated on a water slide in Kansas City.
Please stay safe while enjoying your Summer breaks, everyone!
Ch-ch-check out local news coverage of the shocking story (below)!!!

[Image via WTNH.]

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Aug 17, 2016 13:24pm PDT

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