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Teenager Summer Of Love

Who’s ready for some parenting advice?
We are!!!
Amy Malin, Perezitos‘ pro party planner, organizer, and all around motherhood expert got an urgent question from Laura in Orlando.
Naturally, she replied immediately.
Here’s what Laura asked:

“Hi Amy. ├é┬áMy teenage son is very anxious and down on himself lately because he’s tall and very thin and he thinks he doesn’t have a good enough body to be seen in a bathing suit this Summer. ├é┬áSome of his friends are into weight training and are pretty muscular sixteen year old boys. ├é┬áMy son is comparing himself to his athlete friends and now he thinks he is going to be the laughing stock on the beach this Summer. ├é┬áHe said he’s just going to stay home all Summer and avoid his friends. ├é┬áI’m really sad to see how hurt he is and how low his self esteem is. ├é┬áHELP!
Laura in Orlando”

Amy replied:

“Hi Laura.
I’m sorry to hear about what your son is going through. ├é┬áBeing a teenager is tough as your body is constantly going through physical changes and with raging hormones, your son is also feeling a wide range of sometimes confusing emotions. ├é┬áAlso, kids his age can feel a lot of pressure to be “perfect.” ├é┬áAs parents, we know that not only is perfection unattainable, but really who wants to be “perfect” anyway? ├é┬áOur differences, quirks and unique features and attributes are what make us special. ├é┬áBeauty is in the eye of the beholder. ├é┬áEveryone has their insecurities. ├é┬áEven some of the world’s most glamourous movie stars have expressed that they wish they could change things about their appearance. ├é┬áSo, everyone has their hang ups about something when it comes to their exteriors. ├é┬áHave a heart to heart talk with your son. ├é┬áExplain to him that his friends like him for who he is on the inside and that they won’t be judging him for what he looks like in a bathing suit or how his muscles stack up to theirs. ├é┬áAlso, be sure to compliment his best features and make him smile. ├é┬áSometimes a new wardrobe helps to inspire self confidence. ├é┬áTo cheer him up, let your son pick out new swim trunks for Summer. ├é┬áIf he finds some new styles and colors that he likes, he might get excited to show them off on the beach. ├é┬áThe moment he has a cutie chat him up on the beach, his confidence will soar and he will forget all about his beach body insecurities.
Have a safe and fun Summer!”

Amy has solved it once again, baby!
Lets all give her a hand.
For more tips about all things Mommyhood and party planning follow Amy @TrueheartEvents for more motherhood tips!!

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Jul 17, 2012 15:30pm PDT

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