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​Arrow Star Stephen Amell Blasted For Comments About Muslim Teenager Arrested For Homemade Clock -- Watch Him Apologize HERE!

stephen amell arrow ahmed mohamed twitter facebook apology
Sometimes it’s best to keep your opinions to yourself.
Yesterday, the story about the 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed being arrested at his school for bringing a clock that a teacher mistook for a bomb went viral.
Related: Matt Damon Apologizes For His Comments About Diversity
Since then, a lot of people responded to the situation from Mark Zuckerberg to President Barack Obama inviting Ahmed to the White House. One person who spoke out that probably wishes he didn’t was Arrow star Stephen Amell.
Generally playing the hero, Amell took to Twitter to reply to a series of tweets he saw regarding the issue and said:

The 34-year-old actor quickly got called out by several people saying:

Amell is very active on social media and didn’t take long to respond to the backlash in a series of Tweets:

He also later made a video apologizing for what he said:

Didn’t mean to offend anyone. Truthfully. Was simply suggesting that two wrongs don’t make a right. I’ll go away for a bit now. SA
Posted by Stephen Amell on Wednesday, September 16, 2015

We don’t agree with what Amell said, though we’re sure he had the best intentions with what he meant behind his misspoken words.
Regardless, we think it’s great that the superhero is giving himself a time-out and taking a moment to reflect — he even removed his profile pictures from Twitter and Facebook.
What do you think? Was Stephen out of line with what he said and does he deserve to be banished or was it a harmless misunderstanding?
[Image via Facebook/Twitter.]

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Sep 17, 2015 10:41am PDT