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Barack Obama

Barack And Michelle Obama's Interview With The View Ladies In Full! Watch It HERE!

President Barack Obama and his lovely wife, Michelle Obama, are no strangers to The View, but graced the show with their COMBINED presence for the first time today!
The President and his First Lady got their kiki on with Barbara Walters, Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Sherri Shepherd and Elisabeth Hasselbeck about ALL sorts of topics ranging from silly to super serious.
Since the interview lasted the ENTIRE show, there were lots of inneresting talking points which included their relationship, their daughters, the possibility of Michelle running for office, the situation in Libya, what Barack wants to accomplish during his next term, his dreams for his post-political career and, of course, Mitt Romney!
And that doesn’t even scratch the surface, so check out the video (above) to hear the dish from the POTUS!

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Sep 25, 2012 19:21pm PDT