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Bethenny Frankel

Check Out Bethenny Frankel's Super SkinnyGirl Life Advice!

Bethenny Frankel is an author, reality TV star, and a SkinnyGirl extraordinaire!
In a new interview, our favorite cocktail connoisseur shares some of her favorite things, including the best meal she’s ever had and how she prepares her own meals between juggling married life, her beautiful daughter Brynn, and being a business mogul.
Here’s what she has to say!

What’s the best meal you’ve eaten in New York?
Il Mulino. I like sitting down and being inundated with chunks of parmesan cheese, garlic, and seemingly complimentary appetizers (this place ain’t cheap). This was a date spot that many men would take me to impress me. The food and atmosphere was always the silver lining even if the date was a bust.
How often do you prepare your own meals?
Every day. I enjoy cooking for my family. I always have key staples and then make different variations from that. I make fresh salads, pasta dishes, whatever I have in my home.
What’s your favorite medication?
Anything promoting sleep.

Random excerpts, we know, but it’s just a tease.
If you wanna check out the whole interview, you can click HERE!
[Image via Ryan/WENN.]

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Jun 11, 2012 09:30am PDT

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