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Bethenny Is The New Star Jones!


What a famewhore — and a cheapskate!

Bethenny Frankel is rumored to be shopping for sponsors for her wedding on her upcoming reality show Bethenny’s Getting Married? A source says:

“Bethenny has been talking to vendors all over New York about getting them to ‘sponsor’ her wedding. She wants everything and anything, and she isn’t shy about the fact that the cameras will be rolling during the event.”

But the vendors aren’t too keen on the idea since the show hasn’t even aired yet. They’re thinking it’s too much to ask for free stuff when they don’t even know how the show will do in the ratings.

Bethenny, of course, is denying the whole thing saying, “If I had the time to find sponsors for my wedding I deserve 2 free weddings and a trip to Fiji!”

Somehow we think she’s full of shiz and will do anything to score some freebies AND publicity.

[Image via Jeff Daly / WENN.]

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Jan 14, 2010 13:00pm PDT

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