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Bill O'Reilly

Bill O'Reilly LAUGHS As He Watches Footage Of The Bloodied United Passenger Being Dragged Off A Plane

bill oreilly laughs united victim
Does Bill O’Reilly just not have a soul??
As you’ve probably heard, United Airlines made headlines this week when they had Dr. David Dao forcibly removed from one of their flights after he refused to “volunteer” to give up his seat for an airline employee. Not only was the passenger violently dragged from his seat, but the actions of the aviation security officers resulted in the doc getting a pretty nasty mouth wound.
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While numerous celebrities were appalled by the troubling scene, the TV host chose to laugh at the video footage of the incident. Like seriously, dude??
Be sure to ch-ch-check out Bill’s inappropriate response for yourself (below)!

We have a feeling the 67-year-old is just happy this scandal has taken some of the attention away from his own sexual harassment controversy. Ummmm, Bill. We’re like elephants — we NEVER forget!
And it looks like we aren’t the only ones, as several people have since taken to Twitter to DRAG the Fox News personality over this situation (below).

Still, we have a feeling The O’Reilly Factor fans will defend that since the United Airlines passenger wasn’t a saint he deserved to be mocked by Bill. Okay, sure.
[Image via FOX/Twitter.]

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Apr 11, 2017 10:53am PDT