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Bristol Palin Says Her Pregnancy Was Planned All Along -- While Calling Critics 'Giddy A$$holes'

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Where’s Ashton Kutcher?! ARE WE BEING PUNK’D???
Nope, it’s just Bristol Palin changing her mind about the eyebrow-raising statement she made on Thursday — you know, her “disappointment” pregnancy declaration.
On Sunday, in a blog post called “My Little Blessing,” the former Dancing with the Stars cast member backtracked about her earlier choice of words, confessing the baby WAS indeed planned.
[ Related: Bristol’s Ex Speaks Out After The Pregnancy Announcement ├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥ But It’s Not What You Think! ]
She started by calling out her critics, using what we think is 2015’s newest stellar insult:

“So here are the things you should all get straight before you continue to mock me, judge me, and talk about me. None of us are perfect. I made a mistake, but it’s not the mistake all these giddy a$$holes have loved to assume.
This pregnancy was actually planned. Everyone knows I wanted more kids, to have a bigger family. Believing I was heading that way, I got ahead of myself. Things didn’t go as planned, but life keeps going. Life moves on.
But I do not regret this baby. This baby is not a disappointment, and I cannot wait to be a mom times two. Tripp is going to make the best big brother!!”

Palin then went on to defend her lifestyle and prove she’s a provider for her family:

“I’m not 17 anymore, I am 24. I’ve been employed at the same doctor’s office for over six years now; I own a home; I have a well-rounded, beautiful son. When I realized I was pregnant, I knew I would be completely crucified. But I never even thought of aborting this child, NO MATTER WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCE.”

The 24-year-old was scheduled to get married over Memorial Day weekend to ex-fianc├â┬⌐ Dakota Meyer — so this blog post comes at a very interesting time for the public figure.
We have no idea if Dakota is the baby daddy, but we’re happy Bristol is cool with her growing family. After all, this is a complete 180 from her first mention of the little one.
[Image via WENN.]

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Jun 28, 2015 21:49pm PDT

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