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Britney Spears Wasn’t Worth The $18 Million She Wanted For X Factor

Britney Spears 18 Million X Factor
But Britney Spears is priceless!
Apparently not to X Factor executives, as it is rumored she was DENIED a raise for a second season — and that was the push she needed to walk away from the show!
While Brit Brit has said she’s leaving the X Factor gang because she wants to get back to performing, it seems she might be stretching the truth.
The little lady apparently requested a $3 million raise to return to the show — but what Britney wants, Britney doesn├óΓé¼Γäót always get. A source revealed:

“[A]fter much deliberation, they just felt that Britney wasn’t worth that much because she wasn’t bringing enough to the table. Her performance as a judge was scrutinized, and she didn’t really add anything to the show. They felt she didn’t warrant a $3 million pay hike.”

Have they seen her HIGHlarious reactions?
We might not be able to pay $3 million more for them, but we’re sure Simon Cowell has some spare change he could’ve used to secure another season of her classic cringes and eyerolls.
Guess we’ll just have to hit up Las Vegas to get some Brit Brit time.
[Image via Mavrix Online.]

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Jan 14, 2013 10:41am PDT

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