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Britney Spears

Britney Spears In 'Danger Of Hurting Herself Or Others' If Not Put Into Conservatorship?! And Truth About THOSE Bedroom Surveillance Claims?

Britney Spears In ‘Danger Of Hurting Herself Or Others’ If Not Put Into Another Conservatorship ASAP?!

Yikes! Britney Spears is in desperate need of another conservatorship — at least according to a ton of sources!

On Monday, multiple insiders with direct knowledge of the tricky situation told TMZ that the pop star’s mental health has been going downhill since her 13-year conservatorship ended in 2021 — causing her to be in “danger of hurting herself or others” — “or worse,” as the outlet ominously put it. Yikes!

Doubling down on how serious this is, insiders claimed that people in the performer’s orbit are “scared for her” and think the only “path for long-term survival” is putting her into another conservatorship! Surely, knowing her history, they wouldn’t suggest something like this unless they thought there was no other option, right??

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So, what’s actually going down behind the scenes? It’s a lot of what we’ve started to hear from other sources lately — worries about her mental health, boyfriend, and fears she’ll go broke soon.

TMZ‘s confidants are especially troubled because the singer is allegedly often not taking her medication, which helps stabilize her amid mental health struggles. They also claim she’s drinking and using drugs — which is super dangerous! Not only is it risky to mix drugs and alcohol with certain meds, but she has a history of substance abuse problems that landed her in rehab several times, so the last thing anyone wants to see is her mental health going down the drain AND her addiction rearing its head again.

Per the sources, the Circus artist has also been battling major mood swings and frequently goes into rages that end in alleged physical violence. Not good! There are also allegedly times when it’s impossible to communicate with the mother of two because she’s unable to have rational conversations.

All of this would be concerning AF on its own, but it’s made all the more complicated when you factor in Britney’s new boyfriend Paul Soliz. Apparently, the felon is running his girlfriend’s household — and her life! Of course, that’s unnerving after their recent incident at an El Lay hotel, which ended with paramedics being called to the scene. Reports claimed that the couple had gotten into a nasty argument inside the establishment. Per TMZ, this wasn’t a one-time thing, either. They reportedly also got into a fight at a Las Vegas hotel in December, costing the musician thousands of dollars in repairs for their wrecked room. So, if the romance is as toxic as it sounds, you can see why it’s problematic that Paul is reportedly controlling Brit’s life!

That said, nobody seems to think that Britney’s father Jamie Spears should enter the picture again. While the sources think it was a mistake for the conservatorship to have ended, they noted that the businessman was no longer the right person to be running it because of how much the 42-year-old came to dislike him. But here’s where things get inneresting.

As Perezcious readers know, one of the biggest factors in the #FreeBritney movement came amid reports that her bedroom had been secretly bugged during the conservatorship, which is obviously a big invasion of privacy. Fans started calling for an end to the legal arrangement, and the judge eventually agreed — without even forcing the Crossroads alum to undergo a medical evaluation. But now, these sources are hitting back at the spying allegations!

According to five confidants, Britney’s bedroom was NEVER under surveillance. However, those handling the conservatorship DID get permission from a judge to monitor Britney’s communication devices to determine who was supplying her drugs after it became apparent she allegedly had a new dealer. Hmm.

So why are they just coming clean about this now, three years later?! The sources told the outlet that they want the public to know the truth about this so they can have a better understanding of the situation moving forward. Also, they don’t think a judge would “have the balls” to go against the public and create a new conservatorship without more people being on their side. And if Britney (who is also supposedly on a path to going broke) doesn’t get any help soon, the sources believe she’s in “grave danger.” Jeez.

It’s certainly worrisome to hear so many sources coming forward with fears about Britney’s mental health and well-being lately! We hope she’s okay and gets the right people around her to help her navigate all this!

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[Image via MEGA/Michael Wright/WENN]

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May 20, 2024 15:10pm PDT