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Bryan Singer WILL Direct New X-Men Sequel!

Bryan Singer Directing Next X-Men
After X-3, we were begging Bryan Singer to come back for the next X-Men movie!
Who were all those characters? Where were the gay allegories?? Why did hot hunk of a man James Marsden die for no reason?!
But X-Men: First Class was actually pretty cool! The characters were identifiable, the allegories was back, and we had hottie James McAvoy to fill the hole in our, um, hearts.
So now it looks like Bryan wants back on the ride! He has officially confirmed he will be the director for X-Men: Days Of Future Past, but he’ll still be working closely with Matthew Vaughn, the man who righted the ship in the First place.
Days Of Future Past is a story about time travel and a dark future world where the X-Men are being hunted to extinction by giant robots.
Kind of like The Terminator, only with mutants. And hotter men.
[Image via WENN.]

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Oct 31, 2012 21:33pm PDT

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