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Camilla Belle Gives Tim Tebow A Tim Tebowner In Public!

camilla belle tim tebow relationship public bowling
It’s happened. It’s finally happened.
Tim Tebow and Camilla Belle went bowling… and did romantic stuff to each other, like, to their faces! With their lips!
IN PUBLIC!! We’re talking smooching and hand-holding!
If you remember, Camilla Belle is famous for two things: some movies or whatever, and DATING JOE JONAS while he was in mid-virgin phase. Remember? Yeah you do! LOLz!
Anyway, we wonder if this will distract Tebow from the field. The Jets were worried about that, seeing as he’s so close to NYC and whatever that means.
We say he’s an adult! If he wants to take a break from sportball to get to first base with a lady that’s HIS DEAL!
[Image via WENN.]

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Nov 01, 2012 14:27pm PDT

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