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Carson Daly

Carson Daly Denies Any Beef With Ryan Seacrest

Of course they get along! They’re both awesome guy, different in their own respects.
We like them both! So should everyone else!
While many assume that Ryan Seacrest and Carson Daly have a secret rivalry that runs deep, our pal and The Voice host Carson says that ain’t the truth. Sure, maybe they have similar career paths, but that doesn’t mean there is any envy, jealous or bitterness between them. Carson shared:

“Ryan and I have been friends for a long time, and the press assumes that there’s some competitive spirit there, but not at all. Ryan and I try to get together every year to have a drink around New Year’s Eve because it’s the only time that we’re both around.”

What a nice little tradition! We bet they have a lot to talk about, stuff they can relate to.
Apparently, their group has grown now, as the pair invited Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper to join them last December for their annual pow-wow. While Carson did say how Ryan and Kathy got on (to quote Kathy, “She’s not a big fan!), he did regaled his conversation with Anderson about his recently purchased firehouse in Greenwich Village, which he’s converting into an apartment. Carson adds:

“We really had a great dinner, and Ryan was great. He was a gracious host; he picked up the bill. It was a fun dinner that I think we’ll try to do every year, and we just got to laugh and bullsh-t and talk.”

Damn it! Now we want to go! Which network still needs a New Year’s Eve host? We want in on this exclusive club! We’d be as much fun as Kathy is for sure!!!
[Image via WENN.]

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Feb 09, 2012 21:30pm PDT

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