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Here Is The Video Of CeeLo Green's Phone Exploding In His Face -- As A Publicity Stunt! Wait, What?!

This is truly horrifying!!!
…or, when you learn about what was really going on, maybe not as scary as one would think!
Footage leaked on Saturday of a producer — purportedly CeeLo Green — working in a studio and taking a phone call, only to have the phone explode in his face and knock Green to the floor!
Related: Probation Problems For CeeLo!
As you can see yourself from watching the footage (above), it’s pretty scary stuff — especially considering Samsung had a rash of explosions with their Galaxy S7 models earlier this year!
But, alas, it’s also not real.
Green just took to Facebook Live in the last hour to reveal that he’s A-OK, and the exploding phone was just a publicity stunt to introduce a “new character identity” to the world.
Here’s what Green had to say about the explosion video (in part):

“I just want to let everybody know that I am alive, that I’m well, and I’m OK. Truthfully, I’m really upset that anybody had to be emotionally disturbed by what they saw today. What you saw today was a clip from a smaller video that we were shooting for a new project I’m doing called Gnarly Davidson. It’s supposed to set up [├óΓé¼┬ª] and introduce the new character identity. [├óΓé¼┬ª] I want to thank everybody for their love and support and concern.”

Well then.
Related: CeeLo Has A New Mobile Game!
Here’s Green’s full explanation video (below):

Crisis averted, right?!
At least nobody was actually injured!!!

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Dec 17, 2016 22:22pm PDT