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Charlie Sheen's Ex Brooke Mueller Is OUT Of Rehab And Will Have Supervised Visits With Twins Soon!

charlie sheens ex brooke mueller is out of rehab and will have supervised visit with twins soon

Charlie Sheen must be worrying himself sick over this news!

His ex Brooke Mueller has officially been released from an outpatient rehab facility in Cali, and is now preparing to reunite with her twin sons, Bob and Max, who have been living with Denise Richards.

She’ll soon begin visiting with the boys about three times a week – under supervision, of course!

Here’s what a source said:

├óΓé¼┼ôSocial workers from the Los Angeles County of Department of Children and Family Services recommended that Brooke be allowed to have increased visitation. She will have visits with Bob and Max twice during the week and once on weekends. Brooke had wanted overnight visits and pushed hard for no supervision from a monitor, but that request was denied, at this time. The agency didn├óΓé¼Γäót feel she was ready to have the boys on her own, just yet.”

The news of Brooke’s imminent reunion with her boys comes after a video was released of her taking a hit of crack cocaine. The video happened BEFORE she lost custody!

So what’s next for Brooke and her sons once these supervised visits happen?

Here’s what a source said:

“Brooke will appear in front of the judge to discuss her progress in her recovery and the next steps as far as custody of the boys will proceed. It’s looking like if Brooke stays on track, she could get the boys back by Christmas.”

And of course if she gets custody back – then her ex Charlie will immediately start paying the full amount of child support he was paying before! Fifty five thousand dollars!

A source confirmed this and more when they said:

“If the judge in child dependency court gives the boys back to Brooke, Charlie will immediately begin paying her the full amount each month. This is just more chaos in the twins young lives. Just when Bob and Max have become adjusted to a normal routine and schedule, it gets changed again. These boys have visited their mother in more rehabs than is normal. The true victims of Brooke’s chronic drug abuse is her children.”

We absolutely agree, and we definitely think that if Brooke messes this chance she has up – then she’s probably going to lose her sons forever!

But if she can stay healthy and sober – we think that would be the best thing that could happen for everyone!

We shall see though! Fingers crossed for her!

[Image via WENN.]

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Oct 04, 2013 11:32am PDT