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Charlie Sheen Fights Back!


The world’s best mother, Denise Richards, has been on a media blitz this week to promote the debut of her new, Ryan Seacrest-produced reality show, Denise Richards: It’s Complicated.

On Monday, she hit Larry King Live and, of course, Richards’ “alleged” e-mail to ex-husband Charlie Sheen’s fiancee, Brook Mueller, regarding Richards’ “supposed” request for Sheen’s sperm was a big topic of conversation.

The former Bond girl vehemently denied to King that she ever made such request and even suggested that the e-mail Brooke received was doctored.

Charlie released the following statement through his rep to counter Richards’ claims on the King show:

Statements contained in an email sent from Denise Richards to my fianc├â┬⌐ Brooke Mueller on April 3, 2007, are a blatant contradiction to her statements made on “Larry King Live,” Monday, May 19. 2008.

Her claims that her email has been fabricated or altered in anyway to create this story are absurd. The mere fact that she continues to publicly discuss and harass both Brooke and me three years after our separation, which for the record is longer than the actual length of the marriage, is beyond desperate and speaks volumes.

I will no longer sit back and be egregiously painted as a liar. If any proof can be established that these are not in fact her words and statements verbatim, I openly invite her and would even encourage Ms. Richards to sue me in a court of law.

She had an opportunity to tell the truth. She did not. Here is the proof.

CLICK HERE to review the “proof”, provided by Charlie’s reps.

Who do U side with?

[Image via WENN.]

The following is an excerpt from an email sent by Denise Richard to Brooke Mueller on April 3, 2007.

Portions unrelated to the sperm donation have been deleted.

To: [email protected]


Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2007 11:38:02 -0400

From: [email protected]

Dear Brooke,


I don’t want to have a baby with Charlie. I am

having a baby in the next year. By myself…my girlfriend suggested

Charlie be the donor. SO, I did bring this up to him. There are so

many couples having unhealthy children. Charlie and i have very

beautiful healthy children together. I was strictly looking for a

sperm donor if it’s any of your business. If it were him, I said we

would sign a document that he couldn’t come after me and I couldn’t

come after him..this wasn’t to have sex with him, it was him

donating..that’s it. I didn’t want him to tell you at this time

because it was something very personal that I’m doing myself.


(note: the dots between “myself” and “my girlfriend” as well as

“donating” and “that’s it” do not indicate anything was omitted, but that is

how her email was punctuated.)

The following excerpt is from the transcript of Monday night’s Larry King show, on which Denise Richards

answered questions regarding the sperm donation.

KING: We have an e-mail question from Diane in Ohio: “I have read that you wanted Charlie to father a third child with you. Is that true?”

RICHARDS: Is this the sperm donor thing? Well, no. I have nothing against Charlie’s sperm. I have two wonderful children, but I don’t want anymore of it.

KING: He wanted as a donor?

RICHARDS: He said that I wanted his sperm as a donor for a third child.

KING: Did you?

RICHARDS: No, I did not.

KING: I don’t think that would play well.

RICHARDS: No. I can get it elsewhere.

——– subject matter break ——–

KING; Our guest is Denise Richards. Her new reality show, “Denise Richards: It’s Complicated,” premiers on E on May 26th. I want to further clarify something. Someone said that there’s supposed to be an e-mail about sperm and you and what is it?

RICHARDS: You know what? Like I said, every chance that Charlie tries to discredit me or say negative things about me in the press, he does. And the fact of the matter is I have no desire to have another child with Charlie. Nothing against his sperm. I have two beautiful kids but I don’t want anymore of it.

KING: There’s no e-mail that exists —

RICHARDS: No truthful e-mail that exists.

KING: Is this supposed to be an e-mail from you to him?

RICHARDS: There’s supposed to be an e-mail from me to his girlfriend.

KING: Saying?

RICHARDS: Saying that I want his sperm and wanted to get back together, which — the date of that e-mail, I was with Richie. So if I wanted anyone’s sperm, it would have been Richie’s sperm, not Charlie’s.

KING: I — so this is a phony e-mail, you think?

RICHARDS: This is a doctored e-mail.

KING: Doctored e-mail?


KING: Why would you e-mail his girlfriend?

RICHARDS: Exactly.

KING: Wouldn’t you e-mail him?

RICHARDS: I wouldn’t send an e-mail. My mother was — What Charlie doesn’t know at that time was I talked to my mother’s doctor. My mother didn’t know about this. My mom was given two to six months to live. I was in a relationship with Richie. The last thing I would want is to have another child. My mom was dying and I’m in a relationship with a man I was in love with.

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May 21, 2008 10:45am PDT