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Put Down Your Spoon! What This Woman Found In Her Chicken Noodle Soup Will Make You SICK!

chicken fetus found in chicken noodle soup
We’d like to apologize in advance if you were just getting ready to enjoy a nice tasty meal, because this will probably make you lose your appetite!
Nicole Montgomery was warming up a can of Campbell’s chicken noodle soup for her sick daughter when she noticed something strange in the bowl!
So the Colorado mom took a closer look and noticed whatever it was had a beak and feet, leading her to come to the conclusion it was an undeveloped chicken embryo!!
Campbell’s sent over a FedEx box to Nicole in hopes to get a better look, but if you ask us, that definitely doesn’t look like something we’d want to find in our soup!
We really hope she gets something in return OTHER than free soup! We think we’d be done with that shizz for a while!
[Image via CBS News.]

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Mar 19, 2014 15:32pm PDT