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Chris Brown

Chris Brown To Be Slapped With Battery Charges For Frank Ocean Beating!?

chris brown frank ocean fight probation prosecute
And we thought the feud between Chris Brown and Frank Ocean was over
But the legal system apparently isn’t so easily forgiving!!!!
The unpredictable singer could be facing some SERIOUS heat after brutally jumping Frank outside a recording studio wayyy back in January (allegedly).
In fact, Chris is under criminal investigation for the beat down and might be prosecuted for battery!!
While Frank never even filed charges against Rihanna‘s angsty ex beau, the case is still under review and could absolutely effect his probation review hearing today for attacking Ri Ri back in 2009.
Chris has indeed been a naughty little boy lately, and he is supposed to obey ALL laws under probation.
We don’t know what the judge has in store for him, but something is telling us it’ll be more than a slap on his tatted wrist!
Could we be seeing Chris behind bars??!
If so, we doubt it’ll be pretty for him! After all, fellow inmates are notorious for teaching their peers valuable lessons in violence.
Best of luck, Breezy!!

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Jun 10, 2013 12:37pm PDT