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Coachella 2017: Watch Radiohead Walk Off The Stage TWICE After 'Disastrous' Sound Glitches!

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Coachella is off and running this weekend, but it hasn’t come without at least a little bit of controversy — and the first “oops!” moment of the weekend belongs to the people running sound on Radiohead‘s stage!
The band was playing late Friday night in what was supposed to be a two-hour set when sound glitches and massive tech problems sabotaged their performance.
Photos: The Stars Are Out At Coachella! LOOK!
The problem reportedly started early in the set, and the first walk-off happened when the sound cut completely out for most of their performance of 15 Step.
The band returned after audio techs had some time to fix things, but soon the sound problem returned again, too.
During a performance of Let Down, the sound cut out AGAIN, and so, the band walked off again!
Watch the sound cut right in the middle of their set (below):

Finally, thankfully, sound techs got things right (third time’s the charm?!), and after those two walk-offs, Radiohead was able to finish their full set with no more reported problems.
Check those wires, people!!! We’ve got Coachella to follow!! Ha!
[Image via Jessica Alexander/Future Image/WENN.]

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Apr 15, 2017 11:31am PDT