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Cokate Teams Up With Simon Cowell!


In a world of unlikely pairings, this sure isn’t the weirdest, but we suspect that Simon Cowell isn’t using his big head with this business decision. He’s using the little one!

Simon has decided to take his gazillion dollars and pool it with fashion fellow Sir Philip Green (owner of Top Shop) to form a global entertainment super-company. Because when you have craters of cash to spare, what else are you going to do but take over the world.

The businessmen have their eyes on rivaling the other big wig entertainment companies in the realms of television and fashion. Enter Kate Moss, whose been asked to join the team, subsequently doubling her net worth to $100 million, to direct the “style and image” of the yet to be named mega-brand.

A close source says, “Kate has been signed as a figurehead and style setter for the fashion end of the business. She will bring her expertise to the table, advising on all branding and style for clothes, hair and accessories.”

We suppose as long as they keep her out of the showbusiness end of the venture, she can’t do too much damage.

Oops, spoke too soon!

“Something that has also been talked about is Kate developing her own singing career and starting a music label,” says the source.


[Image via WENN.]

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Jul 13, 2009 20:00pm PDT