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Common Performs At White House Despite Opposition

As we think he should!

So we brought up yesterday that Common was invited to the White House to perform some poetry, like the poet that he is. You know, poetry? One of the most uncensored and free forms of expression out there? An artistic work filled with passion and personal feelings?

Now, while they have the right to think it’s wrong for Common to bring his poetry to the White House due to past content that could possibly offend them, we’re the kind to think that the last place that needs censorship of freedom of speech is the White House, a symbol that stands for those kinds of rights.

But of course, Hannity, Beck, and Limbaugh all decided that it was outrageous that he be invited.


Not sure exactly, maybe that’s just the business they’re in (the less positivity the better, apparently), or maybe they just hadn’t said anything mean in the past few minutes and were getting antsy.

We wouldn’t be completely opposed to hearing some of those guys’ poetry, regardless of the content. We might end up not agreeing with it, but hey, they can do their thing! Plus Beck would probably cry and that would be powerful. LOLz!

Anyway, Common showed up and brought his skills. Watch the video above to see how he did.

He deserved to be there. The man has some serious talent.

Do U think he should have been there, now that U saw his performance??

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May 12, 2011 10:20am PDT