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Confidence At Work!

Dr J
Are you constantly worried about your job performance?
Most people are, but maybe they seem to handle it a little better. Maybe they seem to have more confidence in the things they do!
So how do you get that confidence for yourself??
That’s what this FitPerezcious Reader wants to know:

A lot has happened in the last year. I lost my job and was collecting unemployment, then got a new job that was better than my old one, and have even been promoted since I’ve been there. But I feel like I could get fired any moment. After I turn in a project I think about all the things I should have done differently and am worried my boss is going to call me into his office. In meetings everyone else seems to have really good input and I always feel like my comments are lame. My boss tells me I’m doing a great job but I don’t see how he can think that. My friends tell me I must be too hard on myself if my boss says good things. How do I get a better attitude so I can feel better at work and hopefully keep moving up the ladder?

Luckily we’ve got a pretty great source of life advice here from Dr. J!
He responds:

Being pensive and preoccupied about your work performance will definitely surface some of your insecurities. Your aim should not be just for an attitude adjustment, but for a reconstruction of your confidence and clarity. Losing your job can be a blow to your bottom line and to your ego. Perhaps now that your wallet is filling back up, it’s time to make sure your confidence levels are climbing too. Break the cycle of doubting your own abilities and avoid being imprisoned by your self-uncertainty. Second guessing the Self is part of human nature. Just be aware that you are not making it a part of your daily routine. I urge Practicing Progress Not Perfection. For example, your promotion is not propaganda even if you feel you haven’t been putting forth your best work. It’s Progress up the ladder, even if you don’t see the Perfection! Break your unemployed mindset and live up to the responsibility of your new job. Try to step back from the situation and evaluate your efforts by measures of collaboration and camaraderie if you can’t manage to give yourself personal kudos. See how your work product and efforts are impacting the culture of your company. I would assert your presence is making those around You better and inspiring them to do their best to keep up with You. Once YOU release the load of your labor and stop believing that you are not good enough, YOU will be liberated and uplifted to go the extra mile and truly make an even bigger difference in your work life! As for moving up the ladder, stay humble and help as many others climb, too. Perhaps seeing others succeed with help you see success in yourself!

Fab words of advice!
Thanks, Dr. J!
Ask the doctor himself @AskDocJ on Twitter! And if U wanna know more about confidence OR anything else, U can always email us at [email protected]!!

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Apr 24, 2012 20:00pm PDT

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