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Cristiano Ronaldo ISN’T Signing With Lil Wayne’s Management Group After All… Or Is He?!

cristano ronaldo ymcmb management controvery
This is getting so confusing!
Last week, we heard that soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo was signing on with Lil Wayne’s new sports management group, but that may not be the case.
The 29-year-old hottie took to Twitter to set the record straight, saying:

Hmm… But that’s confusing because there’s another report going around that Ronaldo didn’t quite mean what he said. What he MEANT to say was that he’s not firing anyone, only adding the YMCMB agency to his team to take care of his marketing and branding stuff in the USA.
But the good news is that no one is losing their job over this! And it seems like a few more might be getting a job as a result too!
Either way, we don’t care as long as it means we’ll have a lot more of Cristiano’s abz all in our face!
[Image via Cristiano Ronaldo/Instagram.]

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Jul 28, 2014 20:46pm PDT