When it comes to internet videos, there is no class of video better than “_______ sees snow for the first time.”
Insert ‘puppy,’ ‘cat’ or ‘slow loris’ in that sentence and you’ve got our attention.
Like with this video!!
A cute cat named Sophie lives in Birmingham, Alabama, so it’d be expected that cat might go its entire life without ever seeing a single flake of snow.
Until now! (Most likely thanks to The Day After Tomorrow and 2012 style weather events).
This is so super cute! We love how cautiously she approaches the snow. She has no idea what it is!
Then, once she finally get into it, she realizes the incredible potential snow has as a plaything.
The cuteness only gets better from here on. Check out the video AFTER THE JUMP!!
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CLICK HERE TO COMMENTFeb 04, 2014 09:03am PDT