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Kanye West Pricks David Blaine With His 4-Inch Ice Pick But Doesn't Draw Blood! See The Magic HERE!

Burn him! Burn the witch with fire!!!
LOLz, JK, no witches here!!
Just master illusionist David Blaine mutilating himself in front of the world’s greatest entertainers!
He took his wizardry to ABC for last night’s David Blaine: Real or Magic? special and performed a slew of gruesome tricks in front of our favorite celebz!
For example, David let Woody Harrelson watch on as Kanye West impaled his hand with an ice pick! Oooh, Haymitch, we never realized you were such a voyeur!
Will Smith and his fabulous family joined in on the fun, too!
Ready to see Aaron Paul & Bryan Cranston freak the f*ck out?! The Breaking Bad buddies def lose their shiz in the clip (above)!
The absolute worst, though, is the trick he performs for Ricky Gervais!
If you’re sure you’re not squeamish, you can ch-ch-check out the “Ewwww!” inducing clip…AFTER THE JUMP!!!

OMG! We just can’t!
We aren’t sure if he’s real or magic, but either way we just died a little on the inside!

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Nov 20, 2013 19:45pm PDT