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Delta's New In-Flight Safety Video Manages To Incorporate Memes Without Being Too Lame -- How Many Viral Stars Can You Count??

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When we heard that Delta was trying to use memes to stay relevant in its new in-flight safety video, we were a little wary of how much second hand embarrassment there could be.
However, we’re pleased to announce that their internet-themed footage is actually really well done!
We’re talking early YouTube sensations like Charlie Bit my Finger and Nyan Cat, and even some current memes, like Overly Attached Girlfriend and drag sensation Brendan Jordan!
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It’s actually a really smart idea, because while you’re busy trying to spot all of your favorite viral stars, you actually do take in quite a lot of safety tips.
We spotted 21 references, to to mention all of the different memes included in the Harlem Shake… how many did you spot??
Ch-ch-check out Delta’s new in-flight video before it premieres in planes on May 25 (below)!!!

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May 20, 2015 19:22pm PDT