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Demi Lovato & 'Bachelorette' Alum Mike Johnson Split: 'Nothing Happened, It Just Ran Its Course'

Demi Lovato Mike Jonson fizzle out breakup dating

Can we even technically call this one a “split”? Like, it’s hard to break up when you’re not officially together together, right?! Whatever, we’re doing it!

Demi Lovato and The Bachelorette fan favorite Mike Johnson are officially bound for splitsville after their budding young relationship “fizzled out” in the early stages. Such is life, we suppose; still, these two looked so good together, we couldn’t help but root for them to make it!

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Plus, according to an insider, there’s not even a good breakup story with this one. They just kinda… ended things. A source spoke to E! News about the slide away which caused the rift between these two sexy celebs (below):

“Demi and Mike’s fling has fizzled out and they aren’t seeing each other or texting like they were before. Nothing happened, it just ran its course. Demi was definitely interested in Mike at one point, but it was short-lived and she wasn’t ever planning on dating him seriously.”

Oh! Well, then — sounds like the Confident singer knew exactly what she wanted to get out of this little early fall fling all along then, didn’t she?!

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For the former reality TV star’s part, though, the insider sure makes it seem like Mike’s hoping for a bit more in the future (below):

“Mike hopes they can have a second chance again. But for now, he’s fine with being friendly.”


Very intriguing to note that Mike is apparently the one hoping for second chances here. As you’ll probably recall, this whole thing fell into his proverbial lap several months ago; it was Demi who initially pursued him while he was minding his own business and dating Hannah Brown on The Bachelorette. So to read between the lines, did Demi do both the pursuing and the dumping?

Demi Lovato Snapchat nude photos leak
Reality TV beau or not, Demi is clearly living her best life! / (c) Demi Lovato/Instagram

On a more serious note, it appears both of these two were on the same page the whole way through about things being fairly casual. The split came before anything got super serious, too, so the stakes were nice and low on this one. Demi has rebounded nicely with a few beautiful Halloween party outfits that have made our jaws drop; for his part, Mike appears to have spent this past weekend back home in Texas, hanging out with old friends.

Where do U stand on these two going their own separate ways, Perezcious readers?! Are you more or less sad about this one than the Gigi Hadid-Tyler Cameron split?? Sound OFF with all your Bachelorette love reactions in the comments (below)…

[Image via Demi Lovato/Mike Johnson/Instagram]

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Oct 29, 2019 10:17am PDT