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Demi Lovato Reveals A Whole Lot More About Her Serious Drug Riddled Past And Her Struggle Overcoming Adversity

demi lovato drug addiction recovery book tell all
Demi Lovato’s book Staying Strong is all about her opening up and letting go!
She’s lived one hell of a life, to the point where it feels like several lives in one.
The thing that helps her deal with all the craziness that accompanies her whirlwind life? Being open about it!
Demi said:

“When you are no longer hiding anything, you don’t worry about what is going to get out. I don’t care who knows about my life, and now that I am an open book a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.”

That’s def a great outlook!
She really did open up too, talking about how it all really started when her career took off.
She said:

“Everything skyrocketed, which was awesome, but the negative side was that I thought, ‘Right, I am working like an adult so I should be able to party like an adult.’
I was making a bunch of money and when my parents would get on to me for drinking and staying out, I would say, ‘I pay the bills, so what are you going to do?’ I was riding this wave of entitlement and superiority and they were in an impossible position because there’s no manual that explains how to deal with the sort of teenager I was.”

Jeez, that sounds all sorts of intense.
We’ve all heard that things got bad, but still, hearing it from Demi herself is pretty shocking.
She opened up about bringing cocaine onto airplanes, saying:

“I would smuggle it on and just wait until everyone in first class was asleep and then I would sneak to the bathroom.”

Wow, that’s a serious problem.
Thankfully, her momma stepped in and hit her with some tough love. She wouldn’t allow Demi to see her little sister, Madison, unless she got help. She said:

“Mum saying that made me realize that my life was a shambles and, although I had a lot of success, I was also very alone and miserable. I love Madison and one of the main reasons I wanted to get better was because I didn├óΓé¼Γäót want to be apart from her.”

After seeking help, things got so much better as she started to learn the “why” behind her destructive behavior.
Talking about her bipolar diagnosis, Demi said:

“I remember the day I got the diagnosis, finally it all made sense. I’d been living with this mania ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£ moments when I was up all night writing songs, thinking I could take on the world, and also these deep, dark depressions, when all I wanted to do was shut the door and not talk to anyone. And that is why I had been isolating myself ├óΓé¼ΓÇ£ to try to deal with the pain.”

So, how is Demi doing now?

“I am happy, but I’ve realized experiencing that bliss is something you earn when you put in the work.”

And that’s the secret to life and happiness! Joy is earned! Work for it!
It’s so worth it!
We’re so proud of Demi for getting and staying clean! Get it, girrrrl!

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Jul 28, 2014 14:32pm PDT

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