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Dennis Rodman Apologizes For Comments On North Korean Prisoner! "I Had Been Drinking!"

dennis rodman apologizes for comments on kenneth bae
Dennis Rodman has been rubbing a LOT of people the wrong way lately with his controversial trips to North Korea, and it looks like it’s starting to catch up with him!
The former NBA big man had a pretty testy interview with CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, and he irked many people when he seemed unsympathetic towards Kenneth Bae, a U.S. citizen who is currently being held captive in North Korea, and seemed to suggest he may have done something wrong to end up in that situation.
Kenneth’s family was outraged by the interview, and his sister Terri Chung spoke out about it, saying:

“He was in a position to do some good and to help advocate for Kenneth. He refused to do so. But then instead he has chosen to hurl these outrageous accusations against Kenneth. He clearly doesn’t know anything about Kenneth, about his case. And so we were appalled by that.”

It didn’t take long for Dennis to release an apology to Kenneth and his family, as well as Chris Cuomo, and he says he’s learning to put his foot in his mouth when it comes to politics:

“I embarrassed a lot of people. I’m very sorry. At this point I should know better than to make political statements. I’m truly sorry.”

Dennis went on to explain that he was under a lot of stress at the time of the interview, and when some of his teammates began to walk away from his project, he didn’t handle the stress in a very healthy way:

“I had been drinking. It’s not an excuse but by the time the interview happened I was upset. I was overwhelmed.”

Well, that at least explains his comments, but we’re still not sure about his multiple trips to North Korea and his befriending of Kim Jong-Un!
Unfortunately, it seems like his rehab visit to a center in Florida in 2008 AND his appearance on Celebrity Rehab in 2009 hasn’t helped much either.
Hopefully Dennis learns to bite his tongue when it comes to politics, or he’ll find himself issuing a LOT more apologies in the near future!
[Image via Ramey Pix.]

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Jan 09, 2014 10:32am PDT