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Details Revealed On Whitney Houston And Bobby Brown's Prenup!

whitney houston and bobby brown prenup revealed
This document was bound to surface sooner or later.
Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown’s pre-nuptial agreement from July 17, 1992 has been revealed, and we’ve got some highlights!
Here’s what the document says about Whitney’s will:

“Houston shall have the right to dispose of her Separate Property by Last Will and Testament in such manner as she may, in her own uncontrolled discretion deem proper.”

And here’s what it says about income the two generated while married:

“All future earnings, income, and accumulations resulting from each of the party’s respective personal activities, skills, efforts and work (including but not limited to each party’s respective earnings, income and accumulations derived from recording contracts, movie contracts, other media contracts, concert tours, endorsements, personal appearances….shall remain separate.”

And here’s what it says about spousal support:

“Brown agrees that Houston shall have no legal obligation to support him, and that he shall have no right to require the payment of any alimony, support (including temporary support), or other maintenance, and no right to receive any rights, interests, or claims to Houston’s property, and Brown hereby waives releases, and forever renounces any and all such rights to the fullest extent permitted by law.”

Sounds to us like Bobby is truly on his own. No wonder he’s reportedly trying to sell a tell-all book (which we still think is NOT cool).
What do U think? Surprised by any of these details from Whitney and Bobby’s pre-nup???
[Image via WENN.]

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Mar 02, 2012 19:00pm PDT

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