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Dina Lohan

Dina Lohan...Coming To Television!

Dina Lohan...Coming To Television!

Finally! FINALLY!!!
The moment we’ve been waiting for is about to arrive. The craziest bitch of the overbearing stage mothers, Dina Lohan, is coming to TV.
The hard-pAArtying mom is working on a show with the E! channel.
The Soup host Joel McHale revealed that tidbit during an interview with the Kidd Chris radio show in Philadelphia on Monday afternoon.
McHale also said that the network regularly tries to censor him, demanding him to go easy on certain celebs and not satirize them so severely. Such a demand was recently made of Dina Lohan, he said.
Click here to listen to a podcast of Joel’s interview.
We can’t wait for Dina’s show. That’s going to be such a trainwreck!
[Image via Mavrix Online.]

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Jul 16, 2007 19:16pm PDT

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