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Do Dolphins Have Better Memory Than Elephants??

Do dolphins have better memory than elephants??

Just because “an elephant never forgets,” it doesn’t mean that they’ve got the BEST long-term memory.

A new study has found that dolphins might actually have an incredibly powerful long-term memory.

Dolphins have a signature whistle, it’s the call they make, which is basically like a dolphin version of a name..

When a dolphin in Bermuda was played the whistle of a dolphin it had lived with over 20 years ago, he recognized and reacted to it!

A researcher said:

“It’s mind-blowing; I know I can’t do it. Dolphins in fact have the longest social memory in all of the animal kingdom because their signature whistle doesn’t change.”

Can you imagine hearing the voice of someone you knew two decades ago, and being able to immediately recognize who that was??

Dolphins are so crazy smart it’s ridiculous!!

Guess we’ll just have to change the phrase to a “dolphin never forgets and is way cuter.” LOLz!

[Image via Wikimedia Commons.]

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Aug 19, 2013 14:03pm PDT

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