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Donald Faison About To Get Scrubbed? Sued For Screwing Agents Out Of Commission!

donald faison sued for not paying commission
Naughty, naughty boy!
Everyone in Hollywood knows you gotta pay your people!
But it seems Donald Faison might’ve thought he could get around that leeeettle technicality.
After United Talent Agency scored him a $75,000 per episode deal with Scrubs, they were supposed to receive 10% for each payment he received.
But noooow, UTA is suing Donald as they claim he stopped payments to the agency after the third episode of the ninth and final season!
Oh shizz! Hollywood don’t like that kind of business, boy!
But that├óΓé¼Γäós not the only payment he’s accused of stiffing his agents on…yup, there’s mooore!
He supposedly didn’t pay his agents commission on the $60,000 he received for The Law.
UTA is now seeking over $73,000 in damages along with full accounting between Donald and the agency.
We sure hope he hasn’t been short-changing his agents, but if he has, just add him to the ever-growing Hollywood list of indebted stars!
[Image via WENN.]

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May 11, 2013 06:01am PDT

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