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Celebs SLAM Equinox & SoulCycle After Owner Plans Fundraiser For Donald Trump! 

Celebs slam Equinox and SoulCycle!

Celebrities — including Chrissy Teigen and Billy Eichner — are calling out Equinox and SoulCycle after it came to light the owner is scheduled to host a fundraiser for Donald Trump.

According to the Washington Post on Wednesday, Stephen Ross (pictured above, left) — chairman and founder of Related Companies and the owner of the Miami Dolphins — will host the President and guests on Friday at his home in Southampton, New York.

Related: Donald Trump Offers Condolences To The Wrong City During Address

Per invitations obtained by the publication, tickets are priced at $100,000 for a photo opportunity and lunch, and $250,000 for a package including a roundtable discussion.

Immediately after the news went viral, social media users called for a boycott against the fitness establishments — as Ross owns them through his company.

While sharing a funny clip from the Real Housewives of Orange County, Teigen wrote on Twitter:

Eichner revealed he canceled his membership to Equinox — saying:

“Just contacted @Equinox to cancel my membership after many years. Money talks, especially with these monsters. If it’s too inconvenient for u to trade one LUXURY GYM for another, then you should be ashamed. (No disrespect to the many wonderful employees at my local Equinox). Bye!”

Billy Eichner is no longer an Equinox member!
Billy Eichner is no longer an Equinox member! / (c) Billy Eichner/Twitter

The funny man added:

“There are a handful of billionaires who own everything and many support Trump. Practically speaking, it’s probably impossible to completely avoid them. But considering @Equinox’s clientele and how they’ve pandered to us, this one feels particularly hypocritical and shameful.”

On Wednesday, Equinox released a statement saying Ross “is a passive investor and is not involved in the management of [Equinox and SoulCycle],” and that the gym believes “in tolerance and equality.”

They wrote on social media:

“To our community,

Many members raised their concerns about a political fundraiser taking place later this week.

We want to let you know that Equinox and SoulCycle have nothing to do with the event and do not support it. As is consistent with our policies, no company profits are used to fund politicians. In fact, we are committed to all our members and the communities we live in.

We believe in tolerance and equality, and will always stay true to those values. Mr. Ross is a passive investor and is not involved in the management of either business.

We appreciate all who have reached out to us.”

Ha! Our thoughts??

THE LIES!!! / (c) Perez Hilton/Twitter

That same day, SoulCycle CEO Melanie Whelan released a similar statement, saying the cycling center believes “in diversity, inclusion, and equality.”

The CEO of SoulCycle speaks out!
The CEO of SoulCycle speaks out! / (c) SoulCycle/Twitter

However, it seems the damage has already been done.

According to Zach Stafford, Editor-in-Chief of The Advocate magazine, the front desks at Los Angeles Equinox locations are reportedly getting hit with numerous calls from people wanting to cancel their memberships.

Additionally, Stafford says gym staff members are being told to say, “no comment” when asked about the Trump fundraiser.


[Image via Ivan Nikolov/WENN.]

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Aug 07, 2019 16:09pm PDT